
Little Message From Me

Hello Everyone!

I have not updated, or written anything in about a month now. I was busy during December and afterwords just hadn’t gotten around to doing it. I haven’t even been reading books again till a few nights ago. I plan on uploading some reviews I had from last month that I wrote but had not published, but it is possible they may be published not in order from when I read them or they may not even be finished reviews. What I mean by finished reviews is that I know for fact that one of the series I wrote a review on, I read the all three books, but only wrote reviews for the first two, and never wrote one on the third. I will say which book this in when I post the review of the second book in that series. Also there is just some books I read that I never wrote a review for and too much time has passed to write a proper review on them so I won’t be writing those.

Another thing to add, as someone who is trying to make a book review blog, I don’t like that sometimes I’m gone for a while. Inconsistency is not a good thing. For me, what I read is like a mood. Sometimes I want to read books, other times I want to read manga, or write. Usually if I write all day, I don’t read books because I have trouble focusing on them, and instead will read a manga. So, to help with my inconsistency, I might upload some reviews on the manga I read, and maybe even some of the things I have learned about writing over the years. Though, there probably won’t be a lot of manga reviews since I would only be writing a review on a manga that is completed and I read all the way through within a few days. I will try out these little changes, and so that people know what it is, I will try to write in the title, book review, manga review, or something about writing.

I know a lot of people probably won’t care, and probably won’t even read this. That is fine. That’s not why I’m writing this. I just wanted to put this message out there for myself, kinda like me putting out there an expectation for myself to keep. I will admit that I’m bad on staying on track sometimes, so hopefully by writing this I will force myself to stay on this track.

To the people who read my blog,

Thank You.

Contemporary · LGBT · Romance · Sports · Uncategorized

The King’s Men (All for the Game #3)

The King’s Men

Nora Sakavic


Publisher: Self Published by Nora Sakavic

Release Year: 2014

Date Read: September 17, 2018

Genre: Sports, LGBT, Contemporary, Young Adult,

Grade: A+/ 5 Stars

***This book contains torture, murder, talk of sexual abuse, gangs, and physical abuse. If you are sensitive to any of these then either read with cautious or do not read at all*** 

“Fight because you don’t know how to die quietly. Win because you don’t know how to lose. This king’s ruled long enough—it’s time to tear his castle down.”

Nora Sakavic,


Neil’s time to stay with Foxes is almost up. Soon he will have to abandon the place he has made within the team. He thought it would be easy, but he broke all the rules his mother taught him by befriending and trusting the other Foxes, and broke even bigger one when he found himself attracted to one. Neil still thinks he can just run away, but as the time gets closer he starts to see how hard it is. He still has to win against the Raven’s, hurt Riko in the process, and find a way to escape the same monster he has been running from for eight years. The truth of Neil’s life is bound to come out, but when, and how will the people he found himself caring about take it.


The first book was good, the second book seemed impossible to top, the third did just that. It’s been a while since I loved a series so much. Every part of this book was amazing. It made me cry again, both from sadness and relief. Watching Neil deal with it all to the point of breaking made me feel broken with him. The book had me pulled inside it so deep that I refused to do anything else that would tear me way until I finished it. The day after reading it all I had done was look up pictures about the series, and go reread my favorite scenes over and over again. I have become obsessed with all of it. It is now in my top five, though i’m not sure where it’s placed exactly yet. I just know that it’s there. It kicked a book out. This book was amazing on it’s own but, it’s characters is what made this book shine. I’ve been comparing it to Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Boys books but, I think this one is better, in my opinion. I just liked it more and literally can’t stop thinking about it. All I want right now is to get the physical copies and go back and reread and analyze the whole book based on what I know. That’s basically what I’ve been doing with the last book on and off all day. I can not get over the characters. WHY IS THIS SELF PUBLISHED!?!?!


“He’d come to the Foxhole Court every inch a lie, but his friends made him into someone real.”

Nora Sakavic,


  • Her characters. I know nothing about this author. I googled her and saw literally two sentences about her, but based on her writing, it is like she goes out and people watches all day. She knows how to write a person, not just a character. She didn’t make her characters all the stereotypical characters and let them ride on that. She took them, changed them, and made them into real people. Kevin is probably the best character to use to explain what I mean. Kevin is what would be the typical star player. He is famous, has the perfect nice smile that people love, plays at one of the best schools, and seems like he has his whole life together, but of course he doesn’t because that’s the normal stereotype. Nora took the normal sports star stereotype and remodeled it. Sure, on the outside Kevin is perfect. He is strong and looks like he is always happy, but that’s not Kevin. Kevin is really someone who has spent his whole life owned, and compared to someone else to the point that he started to just become a number. He was player, a robot, and that was it. He has been beaten down his whole life, by a family that isn’t even his, so much that he cowers just when he hears their name. The thought of facing them makes him shake and go into a full on panic mode that he can only stop by knocking back a few drinks. Exy has become his whole entire life and nothing else can’t fit in there.  Kevin is not the happy, strong person at all. He is someone who is scared of losing because of what has been ingrained in his head. Nora Sakavic took the star player who was seemed indestructible and put a reason why he seemed indestructible. Even though Kevin’s life before the foxes seems like something out of a drama, Kevin himself doesn’t. Kevin seems real. It’s like the book has tricked me into thinking I’ve always known who Kevin is. That’s how all her characters are written. Andrew would be the stereotypical ‘bad boy’ but nothing about him is stereotypical besides that he has a bad past. I’ve seen many authors create well written characters who stuck with you, but Nora Sakavic created people. I’ve never seen characters who have seemed so real before. There is a big part of me that feels like I have to go to the Exy game tomorrow or Coach Wymack is going to sign me up for a marathon.
  • Andrew and Neil. Every review I’ve written for this series so far has has Andrew as a reason to read it. Of course this one is going to have him. I love everything about his character. I love that his character doesn’t really change except in subtle ways. Andrew is still the same person who likes to treat life like a game, like during the games when he uses his perfect aim to nail people in the head with the ball, he is still aggressive and doesn’t like to deal with people. It’s the little changes in him from the first book that show a lot. The way he is willing to tell Neil little parts about his life if Neil is willing to answer honestly about his. The way he protects Neil from serious harm. The way he is willing to work with the other members a little more. He is getting closer to people, letting Aaron and Neil in. There is just so much about him that shows growth and that he is willing to grow with the help of others. Neil and Andrew are perfect together. They are one of my favorite couples I’ve read. It’s the way they interact. The way Neil will not touch Andrew because he knows Andrew doesn’t like it, and if Andrew does let Neil touch him, Neil won’t move his hand from the spot Andrew put it. Even to get his attention, Neil will not touch him. He will either grab his sleeve or put his hand out in front of Andrew to try to draw his attention to him. He doesn’t touch him. Then there’s what Andrew has given away for Neil. He let his secret about him being gay out because he wanted to make sure Neil was safe, he let people see his caring side(even though it is still aggressive somewhat), he starts to play Exy more seriously for him, and then there’s even more stuff that I can’t say because it’s all spoilers. They work so well together. My favorite chapter that shows them so well is Chapter Fourteen. It shows perfectly how Andrew is with Neil and what he would do for him. I loved that chapter. I loved the chapter after with the trash bags(You’ll understand if/when you read it) Neil and Andrew are a couple that if you didn’t already know from looking it up, you would of never known they would have gotten together. They have come a long way from the first chapter when Andrew hit Neil with a raquet.
  • The part where Neil broke down. I can’t go into a lot of it because it’s spoilers, but that whole scene I was fine into Neil said one line. I didn’t even realize exactly what he meant in that line until I went to the next page and saw what he was saying. I went back and read the phrase again and immediately my vision was blurry with tears. Within that one sentence was Neil breaking and giving up hope. Throughout the whole book it was him trying, hoping that he could life the life he wanted, and that line was him shattering all the hope. Throughout the rest of that whole part I was in tears until something good happened, and then it was tears of relief, and then it was once again tears for Neil’s broken state. I’ve always been able to handle reading more messed up things in books, because I know it’s not real(except for the second book in that series. It was terrifying how real that felt. Like I was in that room), but this one, because of Neil, affected me. I know I have compared this series to some sports anime for how the sport part of this book feels, but this one scene reminded me of Tokyo Ghoul. It reminded me of one of the times Kaneki breaks. One of those moments where he just couldn’t take it anymore and broke apart, laughing because he didn’t know what to feel anymore. I felt like I was watching a scene from Tokyo Ghoul. From me that is a huge compliment. Tokyo Ghoul is my favorite manga/anime. (If you want to know what sentence i’m talking about, Chapter Twelve, 24th paragraph from the end of the chapter, the last comma section of the second sentece, section starts with “and wished…”)
  • I could probably go on with pros forever, making each character they’re own pro, but that’s a lot. I’ll leave it off with the ending. I love how the ending was done. While there is a huge part of me that is screaming, MORE!!!, I think the way she ended it was very well done. (Though if she wants to write more I would definitely read it, without a doubt.) She left it with one chapter of Neil’s life ending and with him beginning another. It was a great way to end the book. Though there is still answers that I want, like, Aaron’s court case, Andrew seeing his foster mom at said court case, Kevin feelings on what happened with Riko. I wish we could of seen those, but even without seeing it I still thought it was a good ending. Endings can be hard, and I think Nora found a great way to close it off.



  • One of the things I noticed throughout all the books was the literal writing, like the grammar and use of words. There was a few things that were awkward sentences, and some things that should of had commas to help with the pacing, make it easier to read. There was a few times I had to go back and reread something. And if this was published by a major company this would be a bigger con then what it is, but the fact that she published this herself means there’s a chance she didn’t have an editor, which makes it barely a con. It’s a con if it bothers you too much. I understand how hard it can be to go back and try to edit your own work to the same extent an editor would. There is many times when I write something, it seems like it makes sense, but then someone else has a hard time reading it. For what she did, I don’t see it was much of a con, I just thought it should be mentioned that yes, there are times when the sentences are weird, or a comma is needed. And there was one sentence that I think was missing a word. I don’t know if my e-book app messed it up because it does mess some of my books up in some other ways. If I ever get a physical copy, which I hope to soon, then I will know if the author just forgot a word and never noticed.
  • There was only one inconsistent thing that I noticed. Neil with the media. In the beginning he didn’t want to be in front of camera, then he would make a huge show of it, but then he would go back to being scared of being in front of the cameras out of fear of being found. He would go back and forth with that a lot. I’ve also seen people say that Neil’s thoughts on Andrew were inconsistent, but I think it was more of Neil was in denial about everything. He didn’t want it to be real  because in his mind it was impossible for many reasons. His mother’s warning, him supposed to be leaving, and that fact that it’s Andrew. That was just part of Neil’s character, not an inconsistency.
  • Aaron. This is a con for me. I hate Aaron. The only parts I like about Aaron is what he did for Andrew in the second book, and when he says that he is going to leave and pretend he doesn’t know them, because I think that is funny. Otherwise Aaron is a cowardly dick, and I don’t like him. Everyone acts like Andrew is the dick, but Andrew only reacts when someone bothers him or his people. Aaron is a dick to everyone for no reason. He also instigate fights and arguments. I couldn’t stand Aaron. He was a brat. What he said to Neil at the mountains pissed me off. Who thinks that’s ok to say to anyone. And then he acts like his brother being gay is bothering him. It’s like he would rather just bring Andrew down more than help to pick him back up. Andrew isn’t the best brother but at least he is trying in his own way. I hate Aaron, but I do feel like his character was important and was needed, but I still hate him.

“He hadn’t realized how lonely he was until he met the Foxes.”

-Nora Sakavic

If anyone couldn’t tell, i’m obsessed with these books. This will be a series I will read again. I will buy and annotate, with sticky notes, all over some physical copies.I want them at my doorstep right now so I can get to work on it. Reading these books also is a help to my writing. It shows how much studying and working on your characters can make a book a masterpiece. She did so many things that I love and I’m still wanting to know why she is self published!! Was it a choice? Or was it because no one would buy the rights? If it’s the latter than they missed out on a great opportunity. I also have no idea if Nora is planning on writing anything else, I hope she is working on more books. I think she’s talented, and whatever she comes out with I will read. I don’t feel ready to be done with these books, but there’s nothing left to read. I’m going to miss the five foot, blonde, monster, who isn’t really a monster, and my two boys with their Exy obessions.

“Neil had been doing one stupid thing after another all year long and this has turned into one of the best years of his life.”

Nora Sakavic

Fantasy · Paranormal · Science Fiction · Uncategorized

The Queen’s Wing

The Queen’s Wing

Jessica Thorne



Publisher: Bookouture

Release Date: November 21, 2018

Date Read: September 11, 2018

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Sci-fi

Rating: B/ 4 Stars

“She killed her with a pair of embroidery scissors!”

Like’s that the sin here. I used embroidery scissors.

-Jessica Thorne, The Queen’s Wing

***I got this ARC from Netgalley and the books publisher in exchange with the hope of a review. The feelings for this book are mine and mine alone.***

There is almost nothing Bel loves more than flying, but when the royal family, her distant family, is wiped out, Bel’s dad takes the throne. One of his first demands on the throne is for an alliance to be formed by marrying Bel off to a man she has never met or seen planets away. To help her family, Bel has to give up everything, flying, her family, the guy she loves, to marry Conleith, a widowed man who rules a world opposite of hers. Bel must try to find her balance at this new place where people think she is a savage, while also trying to survive assassination attempts from the people who killed her cousins, the mysteries that surround Conleith’s world, and find out if she is really going to marry Conleith because she wants to or because she is being told to.

The Queen’s Wing is a fantasy book that mixes with the sci-fi genre. Bel comes from a world where everyone, including women, are ready for a fight if needed, and ride in the air. Conleith’s world is more peaceful and elegant. They aren’t really fighters, which is what brings Conleith and Bel together. I tend to not really enjoy sci-fi. There’s only really one Sci-fi book that I like, which is Red Rising by Pierce Brown.(It is one of my favorite books serious that I recommend to everyone.) I am happy to add The Queen’s Wing to that list. As soon as I started reading and saw them talking about other planets, and some other sci-fi elements, I felt like I was going to not like it, but the fantasy part made the book better. Although the book does take place within different planets it is a fantasy at heart. There’s space ships, but only for a few chapters and then it’s life at the kingdom. I also really enjoyed Bel. In the beginning, to me, Bel sounded childish. She has this way of thinking in the beginning that is dream like. Her thoughts are like day dreams and her wishing and thinking of what she wants to happen. But after her father takes the throne that is gone and Bel becomes selfless and serious, but still remaining herself. She comes into her new life of being the royal princess quickly and starts to take charge. Bel felt like a real person, not just a character. This book really reminds me of The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard, expect without all the betrayal. It has those elements from the Red Queen series that I enjoyed and i think if you like  the Red Queen series this is a good new series that is going to be coming out to look at.



  • I really enjoyed Conleith, and he isn’t the typical character I like. I like characters like Rowan from the Throne of Glass series, Warner from Shatter Me, Cardan from The Cruel Prince. I like the more darker characters or warrior types. I guess it follows that cliche of liking bad boys but mine is in book form only. Con is nothing like those characters, the other male interest is, but I didn’t like him nearly as much as Con. From the moment Con appeared I knew I would be cheering for him. He is sweet, treats Bel like a equal, so adorably shy. He is more sweet and gentle, but he does get angry and that side of him still has a gentle side even though he is yelling at people. He is also incredibly smart, and just watching him try to make Bel happy about their situation is heartwarming. Con was probably my favorite character, even more than Bel maybe.
  • There’s two LGBTQ characters who don’t seem to just be in it to help sell the book. They are not overstated or talked about so much to the point where it becomes apparent that they are there for nothing more than to be LGBTQ. It’s more like the two characters happen to LGBTQ. It doesn’t define them as their whole character.
  • Although Bel does get an almost instant attraction to Con, they’re relationship is slow growing. They fight and argue, have awkward moments around each other, and then have their bonding moments. Even with Shae, which is someone she knew her own life, it’s also a growing relationship of them figuring out what and how they feel about each other. I’m usually not a fan of love triangles, but this also isn’t a normal love triangle. To understand why you’ll have to read.



  • They kept mentioning an empress and it seemed like there was a dislike for her, but they never go into it. I don’t know if that’s something that the later books will go into, but for this one it doesn’t.
  • The beginning can be somewhat confusing, or it was for me at least. The author just kind of goes into the story without explaining anything, but as the story goes on she does start to explain more. It’s one of those book where the more you read the more you can understand it.
  • There is one more part that I personally find a con but I’m not sure if I can say it because the book hasn’t been released yet. Once it’s released I may come back and write it in, in place of this. I will say it’s a con for me but I know it’s not for a lot of people, and that this con didn’t change how I felt about this book at all.


I think this is a really good upcoming series for sci-fi and fantasy readers. It had really good characters with a good plot. I had actually planned on splitting this book up into different days to read it but I ended up reading it in one night. I couldn’t put it down. I have no self control, especially with books. I plan on reading the second book whenever it comes out.