I’m Back- I guess..

Hello Everybody who sees this. It’s been awhile since I wrote anything on here, but I feel like doing it again. This whole year with books for me has been weird. Usually I would of meet my goal of books for the year by now, I’m very behind. There’s books I’ve been waiting to read and I can’t bring myself to read them. The only book I went crazy over recently was Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater, and that’s because I’ve been waiting literal years for it. I know a big part of the problem is me not being in the mood for it, but another part is my favorite genre of books are really lacking. They lack in quality and are lacking in the literal sense of they don’t exist really, What’s my favorite genre you ask? Well, it’s Urban Fantasy, but it’s more than that.

Right now I’m going to list my favorite genre and tropes, and just weird things I like in books. If you know a book similar to it, tell me it and i’ll look at it. Also, I named this blog Simplistic Reader for a reason. While I love and cherish Maggie Stiefvater’s writing, I don’t care if the books I read are up to her standard of writing. I love my simple books as much as the books whose writing leaves me in a wonderful bliss. As long as the writing isn’t terrible, or the protagonist isn’t walking around talking like a horribly written teenager, I’m general open to it. Also, I prefer new adult to adult. YA is fine, but right now I am into the more older part of it. Also, I’m not into smut books. Sex is fine in books, but I want to read more of what’s going on in the story then I do them having sex. Let’s get into my list though.

  • Urban Fantasy- I LOVE Urban Fantasy. I’ve always had a love for it since I was a child, probably because of things like Underworld and Twilight. Yes I liked Twilight, I was like Twelve. I used to be really into vampires, but I found that now, probably because of twilight, I’m not as into them anymore. The only real vampire book I have been into over the years is The Chicagoland Vampire Series. Other then that I don’t really know any strictly vampire books I’ve been into. My favorite Urban Fantasy’s normally are about, or is a big part of the plot, Shifters. I love werewolves, always have. My favorite series in this genre are, The Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs, The Kate Daniels Series Ilona Andrews, Alpha and Omega by Patricia Briggs, The Others Series by Anne Bishops. These are the type of books that I like.
  • This weird be a weird trope, but stay with me. I like books with one girl, and a group of platonic guy friends, in which there is romance with one of the guys… Like I said it might be a little weird but I love platonic friendships in books. I don’t want harems. I don’t really like them. A love triangle might be ok, but usually just one male interest. And by platonic friendships I meant friendships where the guys will hug or be close to the girl but not in a romantic way. I prefer this in Urban Fantasy/paranormal settings, but others are fine. Examples are: The Forever Evermore Series by Scarlet Dawn, The Healer Series by Maria V Synder, A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet, Supernatural Prison by Jaymin Eve, and of course, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I know it’s a weird thing to like, don’t judge me.
  • I don’t know why I like, I haven’t even read that many books with this, but I just like it. that would be supernatural schools. Generally where a bunch of different supernatural creatures go to school with each other. The only examples I got for this is Forever Evermore series by Scarlet Dawn and Supernatural Prison by Jaymin Eve.
  • I don’t know how to explain this next one, so bare with me. I like adventure books, I guess that’s the easiest way to say that. I guess an easier way to explain, and I honestly never wanted to admit that I have read this book, but Scarlet Dawn’s Trixie Tower Series. (This book is like a love letter to furries I swear, but for some reason I keep reading. I think she put a spell on me.) I like seeing characters go on a adventure together. My favorite part of Trixie Towers was the adventure and it was done very well. Other examples of verisons of adventure I like are The Healer Series by Maria V Synder, and A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet.

I, of course, have more kinds of books I like, but right now this is what I really want to be reading. I’ve actually been into what I call my garbage reads at the moment which is like my guilty pleasure reads because they aren’t usually the best books, but I can’t stop myself from devouring their contents. Anyway, if you could help me by recommending me books like the ones above I would be grateful. Just comment them and let me see what you think I would like. Like I said though, I’m not into horribly smutty things or harems.

P.S….. I know this is a almost impossible task, but if anyone ever finds a book that compares to The Foxhole Court (All For The Game) Series, I WANT to know. That book puts me on a hangover every time and I have nothing to feed it with. I would say I would be in your debt, but I read a lot of books with the fae and have learned that’s a bad thing to say.